Digital Permit Book

Looking for the Permit Book? Click here to access the web version, or download it to your devices on the App Store or Google Play Store!

Electronic Credentials

In the 4th quarter of 2018 the International Registration Plan (IRP) and International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) groups came together to agree on a very important, far reaching new ruling regarding IRP cab cards and IFTA licenses. The new agreement is known as the “Electronic Credentialing Program.”

Beginning January 1, 2019, you will be allowed to carry your IRP cab cards in an electronic image and/or paper. IRP cab cards will no longer be required. All US States and Canadian Provinces will be required to accept electronic images of IRP cab cards.

When stopped by law enforcement, credentials may be shown as an electronic image on a computer, tablet, or smart phone, or as a paper copy. Regardless of the format, the document must be accurate, accessible and readable by law enforcement.

With the newly launched Permit Book by TBSDirectory, LLC, you can now upload all permits as digital images, and attach them to each specific vehicle, or fleet-wide, all while securely controlling access via Mobile device (app or web solutions)

One of the concerns from the trucking community has been privacy. Rest assured that while the cab card shall be carried at all times in the vehicle, in accordance with the IRP, if the registrant chooses to display an electronic image of the cab card on a wireless communication device or another electronic device, such display does not constitute consent for a police officer, or any other person, to access the contents of the device other than the electronic image of the cab card.

For additional peace of mind and security, the Permit Book app presented by TBSDirectory, LLC has easy convenient ways to send a digital copy of the permit directly to the officer, scale house, or intended recipient, all at the touch of a button via FAX or Email.

Here is the copy of the bulletin that was issued by

Please feel free to check out or email [email protected] for more information on how TBSDirectory, LLC can assist you.

* A Base Jurisdiction shall require that the Cab Card be carried in the Vehicle for which it is issued. A Base Jurisdiction may issue a Cab Card in paper or as an electronic image. Jurisdictions must accept paper originals, legible paper copies, or legible electronic images, whichever is presented by the Registrant and regardless of the method by which the Cab Card was issued by the Base Jurisdiction.

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